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Defining your goals for your book

Writing a book is like any other large endeavor. Having goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It helps you organize your time and your resources so you can make the most of your life.

You must invest to achieve any form of success—even if “success” in your terms is purely writing the book.

What do good professional goals for a successful book project look like?

  • An author who thought the book was a success because he got two high-profile, well-paying consulting engagements.

  • An author who thought it was a success because it helped her launch a speaking career.

  • An author who thought it was a success because he dramatically improved brand awareness for his company.

  • An author who thought it was a success because it boosted his online platform considerably.

I believe that for most nonfiction writers, the book needs to be part of your complete life plan. Consider these questions before writing: Who do you want to be professionally? What will this book do for you? Where will it take you?

You may think your goal is entirely obvious, but everyone’s goal will be different. To you, success might be holding the finished book in your hand or seeing it on a bestseller list.

Many authors I work with start with a world-changing goal, but then some see that changing the world may start (and continue) in small achievements. I think you’ve got to believe in the adage of “changing the world, one book at a time” and value every single reader just as much as you value selling 100,000 copies of your book.

I also believe that authors should set personal goals that fit their specific needs—not what they think the world considers success.

In my next post, I’ll be talking about getting to know your reader so you can write a book that will truly appeal to them.

Find out more about my How To Write a Successful Nonfiction Book course here:

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