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Sally Collings
Dec 2, 2022
Terrible publishing advice for memoir writers.
This week, I’m offering the 5 worst pieces of advice a memoir writer can follow if they want to land a publishing deal. #1. Think of your...

Sally Collings
Nov 28, 2022
Publish me! (I’m begging you.) Writing a query letter for your memoir.
You’ve written your memoir, you’ve produced your book proposal. Now it’s time to reach out to your chosen literary agents and/or editors....

Sally Collings
Nov 18, 2022
Do I need a million social media followers to impress a literary agent?
Let's be brave and tackle what some writers consider to be one of the hardest parts of a book proposal: the Platform & Marketing section....

Sally Collings
Nov 11, 2022
Who are you? And who’s going to read your memoir?
In my recent blog posts, we’ve looked at what a book proposal is and what agents look for. We’ve discussed the overview and how to gain a...

Sally Collings
Nov 4, 2022
Writing about writing is the hardest thing.
The day has come. You’ve written, polished, and honed the manuscript for your memoir. Go you! Now it’s time to get that baby out there,...

Sally Collings
Oct 28, 2022
Memoir writers! How will you catch a literary agent’s eye?
If you’re pitching your memoir to literary agents, the million-dollar question is this: how do you catch an agent’s eye? Impress the...

Sally Collings
Oct 20, 2022
Fall in love with your book proposal: especially for memoir writers.
You’ve written your memoir. Now what? Finishing your memoir is not the end of the path to publication. You’re going to need a book...

Sally Collings
Oct 14, 2022
It’s twins! Kind of. Two new courses to help you write your book proposal.
This week I’m launching not one, but two new courses to help writers who are wrestling with their book proposal—whether they’re already...

Sally Collings
Oct 1, 2021
What’s in it for your readers?
When a reader picks up a nonfiction book, they expect to get something out of it—a solution to a problem, a way to improve their life, or...

Sally Collings
Sep 24, 2021
What’s your message?
What IS a message (AKA proposition) for your book? And how the heck do you come up with one? I like the way industry guru Jane Friedman...

Sally Collings
Sep 20, 2021
Get in touch with your readers.
In my last post, I talked about defining your target reader—who they are, what you know about their interests, their age, and other...

Sally Collings
Sep 13, 2021
Who are you writing for?
You might be wondering why you need to be so specific about your target readers. Narrowing down your focus to a specific group will allow...

Sally Collings
May 18, 2020
Publishing choices: it’s more than an either/or
The word on the street is that in these times of Covid-19, #literary agents have more time to consider new projects, so it’s a great time...
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